WOULD YOU BE ok IF your 16 year old gOT a vaccine without being properly informed or without your consent?
wHAT IF A CAREGIVER HAS your child vaccinated WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT because of an unexpected "plandemic"?
do you think IT is ok FOR the SC medical board TO keep the public unaware of vaccine risks and for them to withhold information THAT A vaccine is in A developmental stage?
DID you know that SC Bill H.3988 is now law?
On July 2, 2024 H.3988 was signed into law.
Be aware that this law has eroded parental rights and it is medical overreach against your health and that of your children.
These are the most concerning points about this law...
This law does not require informed consent and protects the pharmacy and the company that is distributing the vaccine from liability.
This law gives authority to pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and interns, with only one hour of training, to administer vaccines without the need for a prescription.
Pharmacists, technicians and interns do not have the necessary medical history of the customer, or knowledge to prescreen for “vaccine” contraindications, or knowledge of other medications prior to injection. They also do not have the proper knowledge, training or equipment to handle vaccine reactions.
This law does not require parental consent for persons 16 years of age and above. As it states "(...)a pharmacist shall only administer a vaccine to a person less than sixteen years of age if that person's caretaker (with written parental consent), parent, or legal guardian is present at the time the vaccine is administered."
Section 40-43-190 of this law states ".(...) If a vaccine is approved, the Board of Medical Examiners shall issue a written protocol for the administration of vaccines by pharmacists without an order or prescription of a practitioner."
If a vaccine is in an investigative stage, the pharmacist, pharmacy technicians, and interns are not required to inform the child or parent/legal guardian/authorized caretaker. If medical issues occur after the vaccine administration, the patient/parent/legal guardian/authorized caretaker cannot sue.(See screenshot under the Resources section.)
In addition, this bill requires minors administered a “vaccine” in a pharmacy to receive counseling concerning the importance of mental health and well child visits. The pharmacies will turn their customers into their MENTAL HEALTH PATIENTS.
This law requires pharmacists to report testing* results to an “appropriate healthcare provider.”
We ask:
1. Who defines “appropriate?”
2. Doesn’t this violate HIPAA, unless the customer requests in writing that their healthcare provider be notified?
3. Wouldn’t this place a heavy burden on pharmacists to refer every customer they test to a healthcare provider?
4. If they don’t document the referral, are they liable for health outcomes?
5. If healthcare providers are made responsible for treatment of diseases “diagnosed” at pharmacies, must they address a patient's needs for which they normally would have scheduled an office visit?
According to SECTION 1, 40-43-30(73)(f), “or if none is identified, to an appropriate healthcare provider,” this law gives license to the pharmacist to notify a healthcare provider unassociated with the customer, without their consent.
Why is this requirement being codified? Is it for the purpose of state-controlled surveillance and treatment?
(*Nasal swab testing has been found to be dangerous and ineffective.)
The vast majority in SC knows that Covid shots have not really helped anyone but for many it created health complications including premature death. The rush to pass this bill quietly shows there is monetary motivation to push yet more “vaccines” for more “pandemics". Time is needed to learn from past mistakes, rather than pushing forward to make mass-vaccination easier!
Here is the link for this controversial new law
This Bill was signed into law after the Senate heard several hours of testimonies from healthcare professionals and Attorney Aaron Siri from a vaccine law firm. These experimental treatments should not have been pushed as vaccines as they did not stop the transmission of COVID-19.
Bill H3988 will hide information on vaccines from the public, just as in this video, the Covid “vaccine” information was hidden from the public:
Watch these videos:
Pfizer Sued By Kansas For 'Misleading Statements about COVID-19 Vaccine
The following video is the Senate voting on their final decision for the Conference Report Bill H.3988:
This is the part where Senator Hutto from Orangeburg is addressing the Senators. He states that Senator Scott Talley and the senator from Newberry worked on the adoption of the conference report and stated that it was necessary to codify the ability of techs and interns to give shots because they formerly had permission to do so only under emergency authorization.
He claims that a provision for “informed consent” was added, but then goes on to infer that the requirement of the pharmacists/techs/interns to give the risks/benefits of the shots was not practical. According to him, “We all know that…the potential risk always is going to include that you could die, or you could get hurt. There’s always going to be a risk. It would just be too difficult to come up with…one pharmacist may say this is a risk, one may say that, so we took that out.” With such a vague and incoherent explanation, and no document before the members of the Senate, and after more than 3 hours had already gone by, no further questions were asked, and the conference report was adopted.
In other words, they took out true informed consent. The vaccine will be taken at people's own risk! However, the Covid “vaccine” has always been pushed as “safe and effective,” no true informed consent has ever been given (meaning, people are not informed of potential and known risks at the time of injection), and it was mandated for many, still without remedy. Should we consider children, age 16 and under, capable of, and responsible for, knowing and understanding the risks, especially in an environment where everyone is trying to push it on them, and public health “experts”, governments, doctors, pharmacists are telling them it’s “safe and effective?”
If you would like to watch the full recording of that Senate session, the following link will take you to the Senate archive:
Select “Wednesday, June 26, 2024 12:00 pm Senate.”
Please watch the following testimonies by Healthcare Professionals to understand the dangers of experimental treatments/vaccines and how a vaccine injury is irreversible and you will not be compensated for that injury.
Bill H.3988 hides the truth about the effects and risks to you and your family.
The motivation - Money!
The motivation - Money!
Info that you need to know and see
How “our” representatives voted…
This screenshot speaks for itself…
do your homework about S915…
Time to Dig a little deeper to know who is who…
Lt. Governor Pamela Evette with Globalist SCDHEC Board Chairwoman Seema Shrivastava-Patel, bragging about restructuring SC public health and building a state-of-the-art building, all with our taxpayer money.
Who is Seema Shrivastava-Patel?
According to the Aspen Institute*, which she is a member of, under the Liberty Fellowship… CLASS OF 2023 - COLUMBIA
Occupation - President
Organization Name - Carolina Convenience Corporation
Career History - Seema serves on the Board of the Columbia Museum of Art and the SC Governor’s Mansion Foundation. She is currently Chair of the Board of South Carolina's Department of Health & Environmental Control (SCDHEC), representing the 2nd Congressional District. She headed SCDHEC’s Executive Director search during the worldwide pandemic and provided public commentary regarding curbing the spread of COVID-19.
Education - BS in Marketing and Human Resources, University of South Carolina
*The Aspen Institute has been “producing” “leaders” with the globalist agenda, far from the interests of the American people.
What can we do about this?
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The link below will direct you to your state representatives. Follow the instructions and click on the name of your House and Senate representatives for the state of South Carolina.
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We are a group of concerned citizens who live in different places in South Carolina.
We are seeing a great shift in the attitude and actions of our elected officials. South Carolina is rapidly becoming a state where the so-called people’s representatives are becoming representatives of special interests, lobbyists, and other outside entities.
The people no longer have a voice but we can change that!
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We are stronger when we work together against medical tyranny.
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